So John, being somewhat of a car buff and all, tell me; How does the Popemobile handle. Man, in the short time you've been on the forum, I think you've posted more indignant rage at the alleged arranger-bashers than I've seen in the entire time I've been on the forum. Maybe it's time to give it a rest. I think it's safe to say that by now we all understand your feelings about all the negativity about your musical instrument and all the musical instruments damned by the title, ARRANGER KEYBOARD. Surely you must be tired by now, given the weight of that enormous chip on your shoulder. What on earth does "HERE YE, HERE YE, TECHNOLOGY IS COMING AND YOU'D BETTER JUST ACCEPT IT", have to do with ability, talent, and training. Trust me, man, you're taking this stuff waaaaay to seriously. Nobody else does, at least not for more than a day or two. You said a few days ago that you didn't feel accepted. Try posting something other than protests about some imagined wrong to your computer with a keybed attached. Oops, I think I went too far. Since you're a newbie, here are some time-honored tips; don't take anything said on an international, world-wide, multi-cultural, multi-national, forum too seriously. 90% of it is usually good stuff, just ignore the other 10% if it annoys you. Here's another: Always end questionable or potentially controversial statements with a smiley face. Like this .

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]